Having your teeth whitened? This article has you covered. We’ll talk about how to decide if you and your dentist are a good fit, the importance of using the Best teeth whitening kits recommended by dentists that is approved by the FDA, what type of kits to choose from, and what to expect at each step.
If you want your teeth whiter regardless of this amount of information and preparation, don’t worry; we’ll get into some specifics on which kits are worth it. Additionally, we will cover different topics such as whether or not whitening strips are better than whitening gels or teeth whitening mouthwashes.
Pick your dentist carefully.
A lot of dentists offer whitening services, but not all of them are good at it. If you’re thinking about having your teeth whitened, make sure to get a recommendation from someone you trust and can rely on. Get advice from friends or family members who have recently used the service and see what they’re saying about the quality of their teeth after treatment (and how long the results lasted). It’s better to do a little bit of research than regret it later on.
Understand how whitening kits work.
Manufacturers produce whitening kits that contain peroxide in various concentrations. These kits are designed to remove stains from the teeth. In some cases, a gel is used that contains hydrogen peroxide and a bleaching agent. The gel goes into the nooks and crannies of your teeth to help you get rid of even the toughest stains.
Consider strength vs speed when choosing an over-the-counter whitening kit.
You can buy whitening kits that contain either a weaker concentration of peroxide or higher one, depending upon your needs. If there are only minimal stains on your teeth, it might be better for you to use a product with a lower concentration because it will take less time to see results. If you have undergone recent orthodontic work, a product with a stronger concentration might be best.
If you are scared of the dentist, find a board-certified doctor for whitening services.
If you are afraid of going to the dentist because of negative past experiences, then you should not have your teeth whitened by your regular dental practitioner. Instead, find another dentist who is experienced and certified to do whitening services. Someone with experience will know how to gently remove stains from your teeth without damaging them – or you. Your regular dentist may not be able to do a good job without hurting your gums or irritating your sensitive teeth.