You’ve been planning for this trip for months, and now it’s finally time to go. That means you need to start figuring out the Best Travel Insurance Companies you should get before departing. What if something goes wrong?
Travel Insurance
If you plan on traveling internationally, there are a few different things to consider in regards to your health coverage abroad. If your medical expenses are covered by your national healthcare or private insurer back home, there is no need to purchase additional travel insurance while abroad. However, if you have significant medical issues or you’re traveling to a country with an unreliable or weak healthcare system, it will be worth your while to purchase travel insurance.
Medical Coverage Abroad
If you’re headed somewhere in Europe, for example, the EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) is a common form of coverage that enables you to access public healthcare services. The EHIC is available to citizens of any EU country and some non-EU countries. It provides basic health coverage for citizens who are temporarily visiting other countries within Europe on their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), so even if you are just passing through one region of the continent you can take advantage of this card.
If you are traveling to other countries, however, remember that there are no universal public healthcare systems. So if you’re traveling to a country with a public health insurance system similar to the EHIC, such as Canada or the UK, consider getting a travel insurance plan.
The same goes for Asia and Africa. There are many national healthcare systems in place for citizens of certain countries or regions within those continents, but some countries also have their own unique healthcare systems as well. A travel insurance plan can cover medical costs should you run afoul of any of these systems.
When in doubt, always ask. You should always get a free quote or consult with your insurance agent before you begin planning your trip as some travel insurers and policies may be better than others.
If you intend to travel to areas of the world where healthcare coverage is less commonly available, such as the Middle East, Africa and Central America, you should be prepared for the worst. It’s best to take out a small plan that covers all the major global areas rather than selecting one based on location or country of residence. You may also want to consider taking out an additional plan that covers you in case you get sick, just in case.
What You Need to Know About Travel Insurance
If you’re not sure exactly what kind of coverage you need, there are a few things to keep in mind when looking over your options. Read the fine print and ask questions so that you can make the right choice. Be sure to check out all the details of your policy before signing it and check frequently for changes.
An Individual Travel Insurance Policy
Individual travel insurance is best for travelers who are going to be spending time in a single country, such as a cruise ship or a short-term vacation. A typical policy would cover you while traveling within that country and provide emergency accommodations should you need to stay after your planned trip ends. It may also cover your costs if you fall ill while abroad, although most policies don’t include that coverage.
A Worldwide Travel Insurance Policy
If you’re planning to spend a significant amount of time abroad and want high-quality coverage, you can purchase a worldwide travel insurance policy as well.