When you are invited to a wedding as aguest and aren’t one of the immediate family members it can be difficult to decide what to wear. For those in the bridal party it is easy, they usually have their suits provided for them or in the case of the mothers of the bride and groom they will pick a nice new dress for the occasion.
But what if you are a friend of the couple or a more distant family member? Well as long as you dress smartly you can pretty much wear anything that you want and if you are looking for a nice dress shirt then a quick online visit to Mens Farah Clothing company https://www.ejmenswear.com/men/farah will see you surrounded by plenty of choice.
If you are still struggling for ideas here are some tips to help you.
- Unless you have specifically been asked, don’t wear white. This is especially important for women. It is a colour that your should steer clear of completely.
- Go with the seasons – Weddings are notorious for having periods of time where you are standing or sitting around catching up with family and friends. For this reason you should make sure that you dress appropriately for the time of year. If you have been invited to a Winter wedding it is best not to wear your favourite summer dress as by the time the ceremony has started you will be freezing. Instead opt for a dress made from warmer material and perhaps pair it with a nice pair of tights and a winter shawl.
- Themes – If you are attending a theme wedding try and ensure where possible that you follow the wishes of the couple and get involved in the spirit of the wedding.
- No denim – denim of any kind is a definite no, no at a wedding. As are shorts and any items of clothing that have holes and rips in them – even if this is a fashion statement.
- Be respectful – similarly weddings are not the place to be wearing your shortest summer dress. There are going to be lots of family members of the bride and groom attending the wedding and the conversations should be about them, not about how short your skirt is.
- Be prepared. The British weather can be very unpredictable so it best where possible to make sure that you have a spare shawl and jacket in the car ready just in case the weather turns a little inclement.